感謝Vanity Fair 的邀請與推薦讓我們在Vanity Fair UK版九月刊上露出囉~ 雜誌已在八月份出版,有興趣的朋友可以在誠品書店購買喔!
Thank you VF for inviting and recommended MIN Jewellery in Vanity Fair September issue this year.
" MIN Jewellery based in Taiwan, is created for the fashion savvy. Designer Vivian Min's artistry draws inspiration from her hometown history and believes. To maintain the quality, they create their fine jewellery using silver from the U.S. and work with an experienced local casting factory."

Instagram : min_jewellery_tw
MIN Jewellery 的十三溝單磚手鐲被刊登在這次九月份Vanity Fair 的其中一個頁面。雜誌已於八月份出版,在超過31個國家發出。商品已可在網路商店中購買,國際寄送。
Our Héritage is published in a page of a corner among with the other 39 brands over 31 countries.

The next reinvention of Sean Combs.